Online Dog Training
New and improved online dog training course
For personal dog training in Southern California call 714-827-4058
The online Training Course is in Beta and by invitation only.
If you would like to join an online program please contact Andrew for access. The current fee is $250 for online only training and $375 for hybrid online and group class course.
It took over a year to put the original online dog training course together and it took several more months to get it online. I’m starting a new version of my online dog training course. I am rebuilding this section of the site and plan on adding more content in 2022. I will need to rewrite much of the course so it fits more easily into the new free flowing format.
The skills you learn in this dog training course will make your dog more enjoyable. This photo shows going out with the dogs after they have had a little training. offers a flexible training system that mixes game play and a variety of training tools into a useful well-ordered structure. The program was designed by Andrew Ledford (That’s Me) and incorporates a seven track learning system.
Our basic obedience play does emphasize positive reinforcement mixed with traditional dog training. Playing at mixed dog training will teach both Positive reinforcement dog training techniques and traditional leash and collar dog training. A mixed style of training will focus on how people in most developed countries naturally respond to the responsibilities of pet dog ownership.
Introduction and history about the online dog training course design
This isn’t my first dog training product. In the 90s I had an instructional VHS dog training program on video tape. Then I create a programmed learning dog training course using a format that B.F. Skinner made popular. My programmed learning modules eventually evolved into this new and improved online dog training course.
This dog training course started as a training manual. However after publishing my first dog training book I decided to make the new book into an online training program instead. The first online incarnation was as a programmed learning course. That was followed by a program where I gave obvious answers to the questions and now I am implementing an even more user friendly style. While the programmed learning modules are a great idea, they require too much effort for most people to complete.

We are offering the dog training orientation course along with the basic dog training program. This is comparable to the dog obedience class training program. Now it’s offered as an online course.
- $250 Online only.
- Rates vary for different Hybrid Online and In-Person Group Classes.
We are in the early developmental stage of our online dog training courses. If you would like to enroll as an online student at this time we’re doing manually assigned memberships. You will need to contact Andrew Ledford to get payment and access information.
Access to the course is for 6 months.
What you can expect to accomplish.
The orientation course teaches
- General concepts of operant behavior in a human friendly format.
- Basic principles of traditional dog training in an easy to understand framework.
- Outline of general dog training principles needed to have your dog respond outside of formal training.
- Training equipment.
- How to properly use training equipment.
- General handling skills that will strengthen desirable behavior and decrease undesirable behavior.
- Human strategies for implementing the training program. Without followthrough and practice the training won’t work.
- How to get your dog’s attention.
- How to use and not use rewards, corrections, and punishment.
- Recommended toys and toys you might want to avoid using.
Dog training Class Lessons
There are a total of nine fundamental commands you and your dog will learn in the Class Lessons portion of the program. These consist of seven basic commands and two conditioned reinforcers. In addition there are up to 5 supporting commands taught in the program.
- Don’t pull on the leash
- Sit
- Down
- Stay
- Heel
- Recall (Come Command)
- Respond to the Dog’s name
- Respond to Good
- Respond to NO
Supporting commands
- Don’t touch
- Not to bolt doors and gates
- Bed
- Get the toy
- Drop the toy
Cost for this course is $250
In addition you will get access to our Facebook group.
We are in the early developmental stage of our online dog training courses. If you would like to enroll as an online student at this time we’re doing manually assigned memberships. You will need to contact Andrew Ledford to get payment and access information.
I am now incorporating a new style of training using research about communication theory, procedural memory, synaptic plasticity, habit formation, along with standard behavior modification techniques.
I have been a big B. F. Skinner fan most of my life. I remember when I was quite young I used positive reinforcement when positive reinforcement wasn’t cool. Now in many dog training circles positive reinforcement is the new cool. In this course you will learn to use both positive reinforcement and more traditional leash and collar training. If there is enough interest I may also offer an all positive reinforcement course sometime in the future.
Programmed learning
This training program started off as an online Programmed Learning course or what is also called Programmed Instruction. Programmed Learning is a learning methodology or technique first proposed by the behaviorist B. F. Skinner. According to Skinner, the purpose of programmed learning is to “manage human learning under controlled conditions.” Programmed learning has three elements: (1) it delivers information in small bites, (2) it is self-paced by the learner, and (3) it provides immediate feedback to the learner.
It turns out most people do not like doing Programmed Learning, so I’m relaunching the dog training program as a more casual online dog training course. I am anxious to see how this less structured learning environment works. In theory because of the lower effort it should have a much higher completion rate. While it may not be as thorough at teaching the information, taking into consideration the power law of practice, it should be adequate for the average person to get reasonable control of their dogs. That is, if they put even a moderate amount of effort into using the information. Can you do 15 minutes of formal training a day? How about 10 minutes? The program has been designed for busy lifestyles.
The Programmed Instruction methodology involves self-administered and self-paced learning, in which the student is presented with information in small steps often referred to as “frames”. Each frame contains a small segment of the information to be learned, and a question which the student must answer. This was good when I was teaching others to be dog trainers, but probably not all that helpful for busy pet parents. I still try to apply many of these same ideas, but in an easier to use format.
This new incarnation of my training program will do away with the questions and answers. Eliminating the questions and answers will make the new program more user friendly.
The new program keeps the first and second elements of programmed learning. Each page is still delivering information in small chunks and it’s still self-paced. However, I will be eliminating much of the immediate feedback that Programmed Learning provided. There are still elements of and occasions where, this aspect of the training has been retained. I am also eliminating the need to learn in highly structured ridged chronological steps. Although the drills are still clustered as they are in class lessons.
One disadvantage to an informal approach is that feedback will be less meaningful. I will include the same information I used to give as feedback, however, now it will simply be part of the regular content.
(Training Tip)
When training your dog you must include the reinforcing feedback for training to work. The dog must know immediately if its response was correct or incorrect. How an incorrect response is dealt with will be determined by the training process used to teach the desired behavior)
If you need help with your puppy or dog’s behavior please call today and make an appointment with your professional dog trainer
Andrew Ledford
Southern California Dog Training