In Home Dog Training – Working in Irvine with Ducks and Geese

In home dog training Video 2 – training my Boxer friend at Irvine park.

The Irvine area of Orange County has some good dog training locations. We are still training with the ducks and geese as distractions.

Double Handling While Training with Distractions
Double Handling While Training with Distractions.

This video is the second in a series of three and has some good dog obedience training advice, but I feel it’s a little less interesting than the other two videos. The advice in these videos will be most relevant to those who are involved in one of my training programs. This training session is part of a customized in home training program.

In this video you’ll get to see me do some double handling to get the dog to sit. Towards the end I will also point out when the owner makes a subtle movement that sets the dog up to perform the desired behavior.

For dog training help call 714-827-4058

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