Dog Training Equipment
Dog Training Equipment and Essential tools for effectively training your dog.
Quality training equipment can make training your dog easier, but they are just tools. Tools do not accomplish goals. It’s up to you to learn how to effectively use these tools to gain understanding and then take effective action. In special circumstances and for some classes I recommend additional dog training equipment. An example would be equipment for a trick dog or movie dog training class.

Train your dog with me and you will get the benefits of our 30 years + of decoding the secrets of dog behavior.
Basic equipment needed for my dog training classes and programs.
Some equipment may not be used depending on the dog and what we are working to accomplish.
- 6 foot leather leash (or cotton.) 1/2 inch for small dogs 5/8 to 3/4 inch for large dogs
- Correction collar made in Germany (Herm Springer), Japan, or USA
- Head collar
- Food rewards soft and easy and quick to eat
- Chew toy Fido Bite-a-bone or Nylabone
- Bed or through rug (towel?)
- Airline approved dog crate Veri Kennel
- Exercise pen for house breaking
- Dog door
- Bitterapple wax (cream not the spray) for chewing
- 25 to 35 foot long line or rope
For more information about my training programs go to the
Class page for In-Home Dog Training information
Here for In-Home Puppy Training information
The Home page for more general dog training information.
Call 714-827-4058 today to get more information about my in-home dog training programs.
We provide training services to all of Orange County, Long Beach, and the San Gabriel Valley. I do offer convenient customized In home training to a large portion of Southern California’s most dog friendly communities.
Andrew Ledford