In Home Dog Training Classes 562 / 714
Dog Training Classes for Orange County 714, Long Beach, 562, and San Gabriel Valley
I provide in home dog training classes and services in the 562 area code, including Long Beach, plus I serve Orange County 714 area codes, and the San Gabriel Valley. I have moved my old 101 Dog Training Tips website to the OC Dog Training site.
I teach pet dog owners a
step by step system for making
bad dogs good and good dogs great.
Your Dog Trainer Andrew Ledford 714-827-4058
I am taking on a limited number of new clients. Past clients will have priority booking when enrolling a new dog or for training a dog I’ve worked in the past.
Training for your dog and instruction for you.
My In home dog training programs use an easy to implement, human friendly, dog behavior management and training system that’s designed for a busy lifestyle.
I can show you how dog training can create a healthy and enjoyable relationship between you and your dog based on trust, understanding, and good behavior?
A win-win relationship with your puppy or dog means you can experience a more enjoyable bond with your pet.
You can now discover in just 5 lessons, dog training secrets that took me over 30 years to develop
Home dog training programs usually last 5 sessions and are done over a 6 to 12 week period. The first session is between one to three hours long.
In Home Dog Training
- Where we come to your home and work you dog in its environment
- Basic obedience commands
- Problem solving,
- House manners and housebreaking,
- Yard manners.
- In home puppy training. – Puppy training in your home during the most impressionable period of your dog’s life. If your veterinarian says no venturing into the community and no puppy classes until 4 month old this program is for you
- Along with training the dog around the house we also work the dog in the community to ensure good behavior around distractions.
- Commands taught in our training programs
- Equipment used in our training programs

Training a Labrador Retriever. Handling skills for in home training programs
Dog owners need to learn how to handle their dogs this is best done with in home dog training programs however it is also needed with even with board and train programs,
There are several major advantages to in-home training. The first is we are working the dog in its environment. Dogs can usually concentrate better and for longer periods of time in familiar surroundings. I also can do an environmental assessment when I come to the home. We can often help problem behaviors by changes in the physical environment. With in-home training there is also the opportunity to tailor the training to each dog and to the owners too. We all have our own unique talents and abilities. It can be helpful to incorporate these into a training program.
Board and Train
I am no longer doing any board and train programs
Online dog training
- The online training site is being rebuilt with new software and technology. I am also rewriting the curriculum and producing new content to make the courses more user friendly.
My dog training is people friendly
All of my dog training programs include teaching the people in the household how to manage and maintain their dog’s good behavior.
Training for your dog and instruction for you
in the Orange County and greater Los Angeles/Long Beach areas
Andrew Ledford
Lean more about my dog training on the home page

In Home Dog Training can also include field trips into the community such as this Corgi on the beach