
Animal oriented in a friendly dog.

Getting A New Rescue Dog

Getting A New Rescue Dog and Temperament TestingBy Andrew Ledford 714-827-4058 Orange County and Long Beach Dog Training The first dog in the series was very active and animal oriented in a friendly way. In the photo it is looking at another dog and ignoring me. This dog also did well when presented with a…


Philosophical and Social Implications of Dog Training in Society and on Communities

I started this article for a new project I am working on. As I was writing, it occurred to me that pet owners and others may benefit from some of the information. Let me start with a synopsis of my bio. I first started training when I was around 11 years old. In high school…


One or Two Dogs and Behavior Problems Associated With Multi-Dog Families

What are some problems encountered when more than one dog lives in same house?By Andrew Ledford 714-827-4058 Many people believe having two dogs will reduce behavior problems. The logic is two or more dogs will keep boredom away. But is it really true that the companionship of another dog will keep them out of mischief?…

Two types of Clickers used for training

Questions About All Positive Reinforcement Training

All Positive Reinforcement Training I want to address a very common misunderstanding about dog training. I have written about the subject of all positive reinforcement training and using aversives in training quite a bit. I always think I have nothing more to say about it, then some time passes and I read an article that…

How Important Is It To Hold The Leash Properly For Training Your Dog

Proper leash grip for dog training While working with a new client I was once again reminded how important holding the leash properly is for training your dog. I use four standard leash grips and one prompt. The alpha grip The double alpha grip or baseball bat grip The drop grip The left hand check…