
Spatial Pressure and Spatial Positioning

Spatial Pressure and Spatial Positioning

Spatial Positioning or Spatial Pressure. What Is It and How To Use It This article is a continuation of the ideas found in my book “Dog Training Strategies, Tactics, and Personal Insight.” Spatial Pressure is part of what I always called Spatial Positioning. As with most things dog training, I have a little different take…

Dog On Bed In Home Office

Don’t Ignore Good Dog Behavior – Dog Training Tip 2

Too often we ignore the dog when it’s behaving and pay attention to it when it’s misbehaving. Attention in the form of looking at, talking to, or touching can all reward behavior. Ignoring Good Dog Behavior is Easy When We Are Busy. Everyone is busy going about their daily tasks, so when the dog is…

Food Training Labrador Retriever

Dog Training tip 1 Reward Good Behavior 101 Dog Training Tips

Dog Training tip 1 Reward Good Behavior. My first dog training website was called 101 Dog Training Tips. I’m upgrading the tips and adding them to this website as a blog category. Dog training Tip number 1 Reward Good Behavior. Reinforcement Training in a Comprehensive Whole Dog training ProgramReinforcement Training in a Comprehensive Whole Dog…

Dog On Bed In Home Office

How to train your dog for the home office and the working from home lifestyle

Dog training for the home office With more people working from home there’s an increasing need for dogs to learn good home office manners. Over the last year I’ve been on a lot of video conference calls with misbehaving and distracting pets in the background. Video calls really became popular starting in the early days…

Teaching Dog To Be Good with Facemask

How To Train Dogs to be comfortable around people wearing a facemask

Training Dogs to be comfortable around people wearing a face mask is part socialization, part training, and part handling. We’ll start with general information about why we may need to train a dog to accept face masks. The training techniques are about one third down the page and comprise the second half of the article….

German Shorthaired Pointer’s victory Pounce.

German Shorthaired Pointer Training and Temperament, Plus Rescue Video

German Shorthaired Pointers (GSP) By Andrew Ledford 714-827-4058 I have had a couple of German Shorthaired Pointers (GSP) in my time. One was the most hyper dog I ever owned and the other was quit calm as German Shorthaired Pointers go. German Shorthaired Pointers are great dogs that are a fairly new breed; they were…