Hi, my name is Andrew Ledford I’ve been a dog trainer in Orange County, Long Beach, and the Los Angeles area for over 30 years.
Dog Television
Over the years I have had a couple of dog TV shows, the first was “Just The dawg Gone Facts” and the second “Dogs By Andrew.”
I remember when I decided to become a dog trainer. It was when my cousin was lost in the Colorado Desert and I was about 10 years old. He took a friend’s motorcycle out for a ride and never came back. The motorcycle belonged to a friend of the family that happened to be a dog trainer and owned a dog kennel in Paramount, CA. There was a lot of drama during that episode that spanned about 17 hours and a couple of days. In that time I became committed to train dogs as a lifetime pursuit.
Back then dog training was not considered a real profession. There were only a few dog trainers who were full time and successful. They all came from the foundation stock of early German trainers that migrated to the U.S.A. All of these trainers can trace their dog training back to Konrad Most. Konrad Most is credited with some of the best early research on working dogs. It’s interesting to note that Konrad Most’s research is still used in training military and law enforcement dogs to this day.
I am no longer working with aggressive dogs. While I have spent all of my adult life working with some very aggressive dogs, I no longer enjoy it and I am finding it more difficult as well. I quit training with new clients for a couple of years. However, I have decided to once again take on a limited number of new training clients and their dogs. I really love both the dogs and the people I get to work with. The one exception is, I’m not taking on any serious aggression cases.
You can contact me for dog training lessons at 714-827-4058
From hound dogs to show dogs, I have been involved in various dog clubs and activities over the years. Early in my life I worked with police patrol dogs and did quite a bit of work with security dogs. I have also trained and handled movie dogs for film and television.
I provide a premium service, providing the enduring pleasures of a well behaved companion for the life of your dog.
My training is not for everyone.
I have worked with the head of fortune 500 companies and celebrities. I am now offering a new type of training that emphasizes the experience as much as the utilitarian aspects of a well behaved lifelong companion.
I understand, the saddest thing about having a canine companion is they often go before we do. I know my dogs are always like my children and I want to provide the best care and education I can for their well-being.
Training for your dog and instruction for you.
I provide dog training with an emphasis on love and understanding. In addition to being good for your dog, it’s people friendly too.
Dog training personalized to the individual.
All of my dog training programs include using individualized teaching strategies for each person in the household. Often we need to artfully use two completely different teaching strategies. We also need to tailor the training to the dog’s personality as well. How we mix, order, and manage the teaching strategies influences how easy it is to manage and maintain your dog’s good behavior.
A little about my training style
Not your status quo dog training
Artfully designed teaching strategies for each person and dog. By focusing as much on the teaching strategy as on the dog training exercise, I make the experience user friendly.
I use a mixed style of training with an emphasis on positive reinforcement.
What is Balanced Dog Training?
It’s the Middle Way of traditional training and positive reinforcement.
Balanced dog training uses both traditional leash and collar training combined with food reinforcement or other forms of positive reinforcement. A mixed style of training combines all the elements of a training system into a flexible program that adapts to an individual’s needs and skill level. My training style incorporates a variety of motivating operations that range from traditional training to modern reinforcement techniques.
I understand that a flexible dog training system in which you have more choices will give you a higher chance of success. Each dog’s household makeup and training situation is unique. A flexible yet robust system adapts to the variables encountered with individual personalities. The term system suggests order, regularity, and synchronization of methods into a comprehensive whole.
It’s always best to start training when your dog is still a puppy. One of the main reasons people come to me is because they didn’t start training their dogs as puppies, and now the dog is displaying behavior that is hard to live with. These behaviors range from minor annoyances, to behavior that threatens the household’s safety and security. Solving behavior problems can be a difficult process. My training programs provide the context for correcting your dog’s behavior problems while using your resources most efficiently. In addition to using reinforcement like food rewards and play, we’ll also use your pet’s environment as a behavior management tool.
Understanding dog behavior as well as how to teach people is an important asset for doing this type of training. These are both skills I have spent many years perfecting.
What is the reason you got a pet?
Is your dog living up to those expectations?
Close your eyes and think about how it makes you feel when the relationship between you and your dog is going great. Now close your eyes and think how you feel when the relationship with your dog is not at its best, such as when the dog is misbehaving.
How would you like to have more of the great relationship feelings while getting rid of the negative feelings? A great relationship with your dog means you can experience more enjoyment from owning a dog
Discover how you and your pet can actively engage in the cultured canine lifestyle?
Orange County and the greater Los Angeles – Long Beach area have many opportunities to experience the joys of a well-trained dog. Would you like your canine best friend’s company while leisurely enjoying your favorite beverage at Starbucks or how about breakfast in Central Park (Huntington Beach) at the doggie cafe? There are also some wonderful hiking trails in both Orange and Los Angeles County
You’ll find our pet behavior programs provide you with valuable resources that taps into the powerful social bond of love that exists between you and your best friend.
Our approach to dog training is quite flexible, and it can adapt to a wide variety of training situations.
Your Dog Trainer Andrew Ledford Serving Orange County Long Beach the Los Angeles area including South Bay and West Side San Gabriel Valley

If you need help with your puppy or dog’s behavior please give me a call today I will do a free phone evaluation and if you would like to move forward we can make an appointment …
Andrew Ledford
OC Dog Training Network