Dog Training In Fullerton, CA.
Dog training in Fullerton offers a well rounded variety of training scenarios. Ranging from noisy downtown Friday nights to quiet trails with their own challenges. Fullerton has that vibrant main street small town feel combined with a more rural experience. While dog training at the beach can be fun, Fullerton has its own local charm. I find training in the diverse environments found in Orange County can improve a dog’s behavior under a wide range of circumstances.
Dog Training on Fullerton Trails.
One of my favorite areas for dog training has to be the horse trails in Fullerton. When working on the trails you never know when you might encounter horses (and an occasional ostrich,) so you must be extra cautious. Along with horse awareness you need the ability to move away from the trail. Often simply moving away from the trail can keep your dog from spooking the horses. Putting distance between your dog and horses is easier if you have good control of the dog.
Dog Training Juanita Cooke Trail Fullerton, CA. This is a very quick video showing the easy exercise and how to work with a dog that is crossing in front of the handler, shot in Fullerton, CA.
When training on the trails, always give the horse the right of way. It’s your job not to let your little canine genius get aggressive or scare the horses.
If you’re not sure how your dog responds to horses here’s something to try. As soon as you know a horse is coming down the trail just calmly take the dog as far off the trail as you can, and observe how junior reacts. Try doing this at a wide open place on the trail. You might want to use food to focus the dog’s attention while the horse passes by. If your dog will not take the food there is more of a chance it could have a problem with horses.
If your dog does take the food, you will have done a little bit towards teaching it that when he/she sees a horse something good happens. Ideally you got your canine prodigy to do a little something for the food, such as Sit.
Some dog training systems use a correction to suppress undesirable behavior around horses. If you are going to implement correction based training, look for a professional trainer or behaviorist you feel comfortable working with. I am not totally against using a correction to suppress behavior, but I prefer to use positive reinforcement whenever possible.

Training on Fullerton’s horse trails is a great way to experience several recreational activities in a single outing. I always like bird watching and the Fullerton trails do provide some good bird watching. I think it’s kind of cool to see some interesting bit of nature while enjoying the companionship of my dog. The image to the left shows one of my German Shepherds Dogs. The horse trails in Fullerton make for an easy hike. Fullerton was always a favorite place to take both my dogs and my friends.
How you handle your dog can have a big influence on how your dog responds when working under stress.
Having a trusting and grounded relationship really pays off when your dog needs to respond under stressful conditions. Your dog’s stress tolerance can be increased by how you handle the dog during practice sessions. It also helps if you have conditioned yourself to handle the dog in a consistent manner when you are also under stress.
If you need help with your puppy or dog’s behavior and you are interested in working with OC Dog Training in Fullerton please give me a call at …